Now an official “SCI blogger” amongst other families!


I noticed quite a few views on my 3-day-old blog last night so explored my “stats” and was surprised to see that many came from SCI’s own blog ( This is because SCI has linked my blog to theirs, so their viewers can see my blog title and first few lines of a post and choose to click on it. The technical term is “referrer.” A referrer is a click from another site that links to yours. Fun to learn something new every day, eh?

I had started this as a private blog, yet each invitee needed to register at WordPress. That was a deterrent, so B and I made the co-executive decision to just let it be public, not thinking it would have eyes other than our own families and friends. Given that it now is being globally viewed, I went back through and changed our first names to initials for general privacy’s sake. There are a few more changes I need to make.

As many of you know, I’ve always loved to write and have yearned to launch my writing career in Shanghai, so this is a tantalizing start, except that I am staying up way too late at night! Whereas I should be resting or at least making a concerted effort to, I am knowingly seeing the time skip past midnight and plowing on regardless! Very tired today however, with work especially, so I am ready to immediately alter that new habit. ’twill be signing off by 11 tonight.

I like being an official IP (intended parent, as the industry lingo goes) blogger now and to finally be sharing this experience, period. It was a surprise we strategically withheld for a while, so I suppose I am making up for lost time. It will be a great record for our babies and is the best way to share the rest of our journey with family and friends, as well as with future Indian-surrogacy IPs like we were not so long ago. I’m really glad to be a resource for that, especially to provide hope and assurance that this route, and SCI in particular, is the one to hop on.

blog views

(Still working on my “screen grabs.” An e-mailed photo is working for now!)

2 responses »

  1. Hi B&E! Welcome to blog land and congratulations on 32 weeks!! Maybe our paths will cross in New Delhi. Please feel free to contact us and we will be following your blog for updates. So happy for you!
    Tim & Nathan

    • Thank you both! I had contacted you earlier given our close time frames. Likewise, I will make sure to follow your updates, as our action is getting closer!

      And yes, you are right that next year your Christmas traditions will be even better and more favorite!

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